Let us anticipate and address a question you might have, as you evaluate franchise opportunities. “Why should I buy a franchise? Couldn’t I simply go out and start my own business?”
Certainly, some people do enter the business world in that manner. So, the answer to the question comes down to the value of what a franchise provides.
Without the professional training, business experience, or connections it takes to succeed, it can be difficult to get off the ground. Many small business owners begin by hiring outside individuals with experience just for advice. Opening a business independently takes time and money.
That isn’t to say that franchising doesn’t require time and money, also. However, as a franchisee, you enjoy a number of advantages that a stand-alone, independent start-up does not. You begin with the accumulated experience, know-how, business practices and operating plan that come with a franchise.
As a franchisee, you enjoy name-brand recognition and a network of support provides an immediate and distinct competitive edge over the independent, stand-alone business. You can avoid that costly trial-and-error period that causes so many problems for start-up businesses. As a franchisee, you’ll “hit the ground running.”
The EVERNU™ opportunity gives franchisees the ready-made framework within which to build a successful business.
Questions? Feedback? Please contact us today. We’d love to talk with you!
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