A 27 Mil Gold Level (No Border) Blue Granite Pool Liner
The answer is not as simple as you might think
Swimming pool liners can be installed during the winter months. As of 01/01/2020, Lazy Day Pools has installed 579 pool liners during the months of December, January and February with zero issues and zero increase in warranty claims at future dates. However, pool liner installers who are new to liner installations (less than 200 liners installed) should not attempt to install a pool liner in the winter. Specialized knowledge and experience are required to make sure that the liner install goes well.
It is also a simple way to identify a swimming pool liner rookie. If they claim that a pool liner CANNOT be installed during the winter months then the chances are that they are not a highly experienced installer.
Did you know that pool pool plaster scale cannot occur when the pool is equipped with a Drinkable Pool Water System? No Salt, No Chlorine, No Ozone, No Kidding.