The Vinyl Pool Remodel Pictured Above was Priced at $8900
Vinyl Pool Remodeling Prices Vary Greatly
It is difficult to give an accurate price range for pool remodeling because the term “pool remodeling” is vague and can contain a lot of different smaller jobs making up the total project. A simple pool liner replacement can run as low as $2800, but a major renovation adding spas, heaters, waterfalls, drinkable pool water systems, etc. can run well over $100K.
90% of our vinyl pool renovation projects fall within the range of five to twenty thousand dollars.
Luckily, we offer free poolside quotes as well as financing to qualified buyers. Keep in mind that the best prices (by far) are offered during the months of December, January, and February each winter.
AOP technology and titanium produced hydroxyl radicals will make chlorine as a swimming pool sanitizer obsolete within the next few years.